Template Class Task
Defined in File Task.h
Class Documentation
template<class Matrix_type, class Vector_type>
class Task Task represents a task in the form \(T(A,b,c)\) where \(A\) is the task error jacobian, \(b\) is the task error and \(c\) is used for LP.
Public Types
typedef Task<Matrix_type, Vector_type> TaskType
typedef Constraint<Matrix_type, Vector_type> ConstraintType
typedef std::shared_ptr<ConstraintType> ConstraintPtr
Public Functions
inline Task(const std::string task_id, const unsigned int x_size)
Task define a task in terms of Ax = b.
- Parameters
task_id – is a unique id
x_size – is the number of variables of the task
inline virtual ~Task()
inline bool getWeightIsDiagonalFlag()
getWeightIsDiagonal return the flag _weight_is_diagonal
- Returns
true or false
inline void setWeightIsDiagonalFlag(const bool flag)
setWeightIsDiagonalFlag set the flag _weight_is_diagonal (NOTE that no check on Weight matrix is performed, we trust you)
- Parameters
flag – true or false
inline void setActive(const bool active_flag)
Activated / deactivates the task by setting the A matrix to zero.
Important note: after activating a task, call the update() function in order to recompute a proper A matrix.
inline bool isActive() const
Returns a boolean which specifies if the task is active.
inline const Matrix_type &getA() const
- Returns
the A matrix of the task
inline const HessianType getHessianAtype()
- Returns
the Hessian type
inline const Vector_type &getb() const
- Returns
the b matrix of the task
inline const Matrix_type &getWA() const
- Returns
the product between W and A
inline const Matrix_type &getATranspose() const
- Returns
A transposed
inline const Vector_type &getWb() const
- Returns
the product between W and b
inline const Vector_type &getc() const
- Returns
the _c vector of the task
inline const Matrix_type &getWeight() const
- Returns
the weight of the norm of the task error
inline virtual void setWeight(const Matrix_type &W)
setWeight sets the task weight.
Note the Weight needs to be positive definite. If your original intent was to get a subtask (i.e., reduce the number of rows of the task Jacobian), please use the class SubTask
- Parameters
W – matrix weight
inline virtual void setWeight(const double &w)
setWeight sets the task diagonal weight.
Note the Weight needs to be positive definite. If your original intent was to get a subtask (i.e., reduce the number of rows of the task Jacobian), please use the class SubTask
- Parameters
w – scalar diagonal weight
inline const double getLambda() const
- Returns
the lambda weight of the task
inline virtual void setLambda(double lambda)
inline virtual std::list<ConstraintPtr> &getConstraints()
getConstraints return a reference to the constraint list.
Use the standard list methods to add, remove, clear, … the constraints list. e.g.: task.getConstraints().push_back(new_constraint)
- Returns
inline const unsigned int getXSize() const
Gets the number of variables for the task.
- Returns
the number of columns of A
inline virtual const unsigned int getTaskSize() const
Gets the task size.
- Returns
the number of rows of A
inline void update()
Updates the A, b, Aeq, beq, Aineq, b*Bound matrices.
inline std::string getTaskID()
getTaskID return the task id
- Returns
a string with the task id
inline virtual std::vector<bool> getActiveJointsMask()
getActiveJointsMask return a vector of length NumberOfDOFs.
If an element is false the corresponding column of the task jacobian is set to 0.
- Returns
a vector of bool
inline virtual bool setActiveJointsMask(const std::vector<bool> &active_joints_mask)
setActiveJointsMask set a mask on the Jacobian.
The changes take effect immediately.
- Parameters
active_joints_mask –
- Returns
true if success
inline virtual void log(XBot::MatLogger2::Ptr logger)
log logs common Task internal variables
- Parameters
logger – a shared pointer to a MathLogger
inline double computeCost(const Eigen::VectorXd &x)
computeCost computes the residual of the task:
residual = (Ax - b)^T * W * (Ax - b)
- Parameters
x – solution NOTE: the solution should be the one where the task was evaluated to compute the internal A matrix and b vector! NOTE: computation can be improved as done in the solver…
- Returns
the cost of the task for given solution
inline bool checkConsistency()
checkConsistency checks if all internal matrices and vectors are correctly instantiated and the right size
- Returns
true if everything is ok
Protected Functions
virtual void _update() = 0
Updates the A, b, Aeq, beq, Aineq, b*Bound matrices.
inline virtual void applyActiveJointsMask(Matrix_type &A)
applyActiveJointsMask apply the active joint mask to the A matrix: in tasks in which b does not depend on A, this is done setting to 0 the columns of A corresponding to the index set to false of the _active_joint_mask vector
- Parameters
A – matrix of the Task
inline virtual void _log(XBot::MatLogger2::Ptr logger)
_log can be used to log internal Task variables
- Parameters
logger – a shared pointer to a MatLogger
inline virtual bool reset()
reset permits to reset a task and all related variables.
The correctness of the implementation depends to the particular task. Default implementation does nothing and return false.
- Returns
Protected Attributes
std::string _task_id
_task_id unique name of the task
unsigned int _x_size
_x_size size of the controlled variables
HessianType _hessianType
_hessianType Type of Hessian associated to the Task
Matrix_type _A
_A Jacobian of the Task
Vector_type _b
_b error associated to the Task
Vector_type _c
_c vector used for LP Tasks
Matrix_type _W
_W Weight multiplied to the task Jacobian
double _lambda
_lambda error scaling, NOTE: _lambda >= 0.0
bool _weight_is_diagonal
_weight_is_diagonal, if true the computation of W*A and W*b is optimized (default is false)
std::list<ConstraintPtr> _constraints
_bounds related to the Task
std::vector<bool> _active_joints_mask
_active_joint_mask is vector of bool that represent the active joints of the task.
If false the corresponding column of the task jacobian is set to 0.
typedef Task<Matrix_type, Vector_type> TaskType