Class nHQP::TaskData
Defined in File nHQP.h
Nested Relationships
This class is a nested type of Class nHQP.
Class Documentation
class TaskData
The TaskData class is a helper class containing all that is needed to setup, regularize, and solve the i-th QP problem.
Public Functions
void set_min_sv_ratio(double sv)
int compute_nullspace_dimension(double threshold)
void set_nullspace_dimension(int ns_dim)
void compute_cost(const Eigen::MatrixXd *AN_nullspace, const Eigen::VectorXd &q0)
void compute_contraints(const Eigen::MatrixXd *AN_nullspace, const Eigen::VectorXd &q0)
bool update_and_solve()
bool compute_nullspace()
const Eigen::MatrixXd &get_nullspace() const
const Eigen::VectorXd &get_solution() const
bool enable_logger(XBot::MatLogger2::Ptr logger, std::string log_prefix)
void set_perform_A_b_regularization(bool perform_A_b_regularization_)
skip_A_b_regularization skip the regularization of the A matrix and b vector based on the method void regularize_A_b(double threshold).
This is particularly suggested when a single layer is used together with a joint-space task. Regularization in this case is not needed and usually perform badly.
- Parameters
perform_A_b_regularization – true or false, default true
void set_perform_selective_null_space_regularization(bool perform_selective_null_space_regularization_)
set_perform_selective_null_space_regularization regularization of the Hessian matrix using max singular value and null_space
- Parameters
perform_selective_null_space_regularization_ – true or false, default true
void set_min_sv_ratio(double sv)