Class AutoStack
Defined in File AutoStack.h
Class Documentation
class AutoStack
The AutoStack class eases the managing of a stack of task, by automatically calling the update() function on all tasks of the stack.
Many operators are defined for the AutoStack, so that it’s possible to concisely write stacks. It allows to use the MOT (Math of Tasks) to define stacks, e.g.: AutoStack = (T1 + T2) / (T3 << ConstraintT3 + T4) << Bounds
Public Functions
AutoStack(const int x_size)
AutoStack(OpenSoT::tasks::Aggregated::TaskPtr task)
AutoStack(OpenSoT::tasks::Aggregated::TaskPtr task, std::list<OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated::ConstraintPtr> bounds)
AutoStack(OpenSoT::solvers::iHQP::Stack stack, std::list<OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated::ConstraintPtr> bounds)
void update()
void log(XBot::MatLogger2::Ptr logger)
bool checkConsistency()
std::list<OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated::ConstraintPtr> &getBoundsList()
inline void setRegularisationTask(OpenSoT::tasks::Aggregated::TaskPtr regularisation_task)
setRegularisationTask permits to add a task which is considered as a regularisation into all the priority levels and will NOT be considered in the priority optimality constraints
- Parameters
regularisation_task –
inline OpenSoT::tasks::Aggregated::TaskPtr getRegularisationTask()
void setBoundsAggregationPolicy(const unsigned int aggregationPolicy = OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated::EQUALITIES_TO_INEQUALITIES | OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated::UNILATERAL_TO_BILATERAL)
setBoundsAggregationPolicy changes the aggregation policy of the bounds as returned by the getBounds() function.
Notice calling this will create a new bounds object (an instance of OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated), so that the update() function of this AutoStack will then update only the new instance. If you have another instance of those Bounds lying around, you should then manually update that before using it.
- Parameters
aggregationPolicy – the new aggregation policy for this AutoStack’s bounds
OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated::ConstraintPtr getBounds()
AutoStack(const int x_size)