Class InverseDynamics
Defined in File InverseDynamics.h
Class Documentation
class InverseDynamics
The InverseDynamics class is a utility to help the computation of wholebody inverse dynamics controllers with contacts.
Public Types
typedef std::shared_ptr<InverseDynamics> Ptr
Public Functions
InverseDynamics(const std::vector<std::string> links_in_contact, XBot::ModelInterface &model, const CONTACT_MODEL &contact_model = CONTACT_MODEL::SURFACE_CONTACT)
InverseDynamics constructor.
- Parameters
links_in_contact – a vector of string each one representing a contact
model –
contact_model – the type of contact model defines the number of contact force variables, default is surface: 6dofs
const AffineHelper &getJointsAccelerationAffine() const
getJointsAccelerationAffine return the Affine related to the joint accelerations
- Returns
const std::vector<AffineHelper> &getContactsWrenchAffine() const
getContactsWrenchAffine return a vector of Affines each related to a contact wrench
- Returns
const std::shared_ptr<OpenSoT::OptvarHelper> getSerializer() const
getSerializer return a pointer to the object which contains all the variables of the Inverse Dynamics
- Returns
bool computedTorque(const Eigen::VectorXd &x, Eigen::VectorXd &tau, Eigen::VectorXd &qddot, std::vector<Eigen::Vector6d> &contact_wrench)
computedTorque given the solution from the solver which contains all the optimization variables, returns the torque to send to the robot
- Parameters
x – optimized variables
tau – computed torques
qddot – computed accelerations from solution x
contact_wrench – computed wrenches from solution x
- Returns
true if the model is fixed base, false if the base wrench is not 0 (for floating base models)
void log(XBot::MatLogger2::Ptr &logger)
log internal variables: wrenches, tau and qddot
- Parameters
logger –
typedef std::shared_ptr<InverseDynamics> Ptr