Class Gaze
Defined in File Gaze.h
Inheritance Relationships
Base Type
public OpenSoT::Task< Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd >
(Template Class Task)
Class Documentation
class Gaze : public OpenSoT::Task<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>
The Gaze class implement a Cartesian Task in which is controlled the gaze of the robot.
The algorithm used is based on the paper: “Adaptive Predictive Gaze Control of a Redundant Humanoid
Robot Head, IROS2011”. Notice that the controlled distal link is always “gaze” in a certain base_link set by the user.
Public Functions
Gaze(std::string task_id, XBot::ModelInterface &robot, std::string base_link, std::string distal_link = "gaze")
void setGaze(const Eigen::Affine3d &desiredGaze)
- Parameters
desiredGaze – pose of the object to observe in base_link
void setGaze(const Eigen::MatrixXd &desiredGaze)
void setGaze(const KDL::Frame &desiredGaze)
void setOrientationErrorGain(const double &orientationErrorGain)
const double getOrientationErrorGain() const
virtual void setWeight(const Eigen::MatrixXd &W)
setWeight sets the task weight.
Note the Weight needs to be positive definite. If your original intent was to get a subtask (i.e., reduce the number of rows of the task Jacobian), please use the class SubTask
- Parameters
W – matrix weight
virtual std::list<ConstraintPtr> &getConstraints()
getConstraints return a reference to the constraint list.
Use the standard list methods to add, remove, clear, … the constraints list. e.g.: task.getConstraints().push_back(new_constraint) Notice that in subtasks, you will get the constraint list of the father Task from which the SubTask is generated.
- Returns
the list of constraints to which the father Task is subject.
virtual const unsigned int getTaskSize() const
Gets the task size.
- Returns
the number of rows of A
virtual std::vector<bool> getActiveJointsMask()
getActiveJointsMask return a vector of length NumberOfDOFs.
If an element is false the corresponding column of the task jacobian is set to 0.
- Returns
a vector of bool
virtual bool setActiveJointsMask(const std::vector<bool> &active_joints_mask)
setActiveJointsMask set a mask on the jacobian
- Parameters
active_joints_mask –
- Returns
true if success
inline std::string getDistalLink()
getDistalLink return “gaze” as controlled link
- Returns
string with distal link name
virtual void setLambda(double lambda)
- Returns
the lambda weight of the task
bool setBaseLink(const std::string &base_link)
setBaseLink change the base link of the task
- Parameters
base_link – the new base link
- Returns
false if the base link does not exists
Gaze(std::string task_id, XBot::ModelInterface &robot, std::string base_link, std::string distal_link = "gaze")