Class iHQP

Inheritance Relationships

Base Type

Class Documentation

class iHQP : public OpenSoT::Solver<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>

The iHQP class implement a solver that accept a Stack of Tasks with Bounds and Constraints.

Public Types

typedef std::shared_ptr<iHQP> Ptr
typedef MatrixPiler VectorPiler

Public Functions

iHQP(OpenSoT::AutoStack &stack_of_tasks, const double eps_regularisation = DEFAULT_EPS_REGULARISATION, const solver_back_ends be_solver = solver_back_ends::qpOASES)

iHQP constructor of the problem using the AutoStack this constructor permits to use user regularisation feature (inserting it inside the AutoStack)

  • stack_of_tasks – data structure which will contain tasks, constraints and user defined regularisation NOTICE that the user defined regularisation will be applied to all the stack levels

  • eps_regularisation – regularisation factor used inside the QP solver (BackEnd)

  • be_solver


exception – if the stack can not be initialized

iHQP(OpenSoT::AutoStack &stack_of_tasks, const double eps_regularisation, const std::vector<solver_back_ends> be_solver)
iHQP(Stack &stack_of_tasks, const double eps_regularisation = DEFAULT_EPS_REGULARISATION, const solver_back_ends be_solver = solver_back_ends::qpOASES)

iHQP constructor of the problem

  • stack_of_tasks – a vector of tasks

  • eps_regularisation – regularisation factor


exception – if the stack can not be initialized

iHQP(Stack &stack_of_tasks, const double eps_regularisation, const std::vector<solver_back_ends> be_solver)
iHQP(Stack &stack_of_tasks, ConstraintPtr bounds, const double eps_regularisation = DEFAULT_EPS_REGULARISATION, const solver_back_ends be_solver = solver_back_ends::qpOASES)

iHQP constructor of the problem

  • stack_of_tasks – a vector of tasks

  • bounds – a vector of bounds passed to all the stacks

  • eps_regularisation – regularisation factor


exception – if the stack can not be initialized

iHQP(Stack &stack_of_tasks, ConstraintPtr bounds, const double eps_regularisation, const std::vector<solver_back_ends> be_solver)
iHQP(Stack &stack_of_tasks, ConstraintPtr bounds, ConstraintPtr globalConstraints, const double eps_regularisation = DEFAULT_EPS_REGULARISATION, const solver_back_ends be_solver = solver_back_ends::qpOASES)

iHQP constructor of the problem

  • stack_of_tasks – a vector of tasks

  • bounds – a vector of bounds passed to all the stacks

  • globalConstraints – a vector of constraints passed to all the stacks

  • eps_regularisation – regularisation factor


exception – if the stack can not be initialized

iHQP(Stack &stack_of_tasks, ConstraintPtr bounds, ConstraintPtr globalConstraints, const double eps_regularisation, const std::vector<solver_back_ends> be_solver)
inline ~iHQP()
virtual bool solve(Eigen::VectorXd &solution)

solve a stack of tasks


solution – vector


true if all the stack is solved

inline unsigned int getNumberOfTasks()



lenght of the stack

bool setOptions(const unsigned int i, const boost::any &opt)

setOptions set option to a particular task

  • i – number of stack to set the option

  • opt – options for task i


false if i-th problem does not exists or does not succeed

bool getOptions(const unsigned int i, boost::any &opt)

getOptions return the options of the i-th qp problem

  • i – number of stack to get the option

  • opt – a data structure which has to be converted to particular structure used by the BackEnd implementation


false if i-th problem does not exists

bool getObjective(const unsigned int i, double &val)

getObjective return the value of the objective function at the optimum for the i-th qp problem

  • i – number of stack to get the value of the objective function

  • val – value of the objective function at the optimum


false if i-th problem does not exists

void setActiveStack(const unsigned int i, const bool flag)

setActiveStack select a stack to do not solve

  • i – stack index

  • flag – true or flase

void activateAllStacks()

activateAllStacks activate all stacks

std::string getBackEndName(const unsigned int i)

getBackEndName retrieve the name of the solver


a string with the name of the solver, right now: “qpOASES” “OSQP” “????”

bool setEpsRegularisation(const double eps, const unsigned int i)

setEpsRegularisation OVERWRITES the actual eps regularisation factor of a specific level of the stack

  • eps – reguralisation factor

  • i – stack level


false if eps < 0 or i no in the stack

bool setEpsRegularisation(const double eps)

setEpsRegularisation OVERWRITES the actual eps regularisation factor for all the level of the stack


eps – reguralisation factor


false if eps < 0

bool getBackEnd(const unsigned int i, BackEnd::Ptr &back_end)

getBackEnd retrieve the back-end associated to the i-th qp problem

  • i – priority level

  • back_end


false if the level does not exists

Protected Functions

virtual void _log(XBot::MatLogger2::Ptr logger, const std::string &prefix)

_log implement this on the solver to log data

  • logger – a pointer to a MatLogger

  • prefix – used to log variables

bool prepareSoT(const std::vector<solver_back_ends> be_solver)

prepareSoT initialize the complete stack


true if stack is correctly initialized

void computeCostFunction(const TaskPtr &task, Eigen::MatrixXd &H, Eigen::VectorXd &g)

computeCostFunction compute a cost function for velocity control: F = ||Jdq - v||

  • task – to get Jacobian and reference

  • H – Hessian matrix computed as J’J

  • g – reference vector computed as J’v

void computeOptimalityConstraint(const TaskPtr &task, BackEnd::Ptr &problem, Eigen::MatrixXd &A, Eigen::VectorXd &lA, Eigen::VectorXd &uA)

computeOptimalityConstraint compute optimality constraint for velocity control: Jj*dqj = Jj*dqi

  • task – to get Jacobian of the previous task

  • problem – to get solution of the previous task

  • A – constraint matrix

  • lA – lower bounds

  • uA – upper bounds

Protected Attributes

vector<OpenSoT::constraints::Aggregated> constraints_task
vector<BackEnd::Ptr> _qp_stack_of_tasks

_qp_stack_of_tasks vector of QPOases Problem

vector<bool> _active_stacks
double _epsRegularisation

_epsRegularisation regularisation factor for dumped least squares

Eigen::MatrixXd H
Eigen::VectorXd g
Eigen::MatrixXd Hr
Eigen::VectorXd gr
OpenSoT::Task<Eigen::MatrixXd, Eigen::VectorXd>::TaskPtr _regularisation_task
MatrixPiler A
VectorPiler lA
VectorPiler uA
Eigen::VectorXd l
Eigen::VectorXd u
std::vector<Eigen::MatrixXd> tmp_A
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> tmp_lA
std::vector<Eigen::VectorXd> tmp_uA
std::vector<solver_back_ends> _be_solver

Protected Static Attributes

static const std::string _IHQP_CONSTRAINTS_PLUS_
static const std::string _IHQP_CONSTRAINTS_OPTIMALITY_