MatLogger2  1.0.0
Library for logging of numeric data to HDF5 MAT-files, which is RT-safe and multithreaded.
Classes | Typedefs
XBot::matlogger2 Namespace Reference


class  Backend
class  condition_variable
class  MatioBackend
class  mutex
class  thread


typedef std::mutex MutexType
typedef std::condition_variable CondVarType
typedef std::thread ThreadType

Typedef Documentation

typedef std::condition_variable XBot::matlogger2::CondVarType

Definition at line 20 of file thread.h.

typedef std::mutex XBot::matlogger2::MutexType

Definition at line 19 of file thread.h.

typedef std::thread XBot::matlogger2::ThreadType

Definition at line 21 of file thread.h.