Library for logging of numeric data to HDF5 MAT-files, which is RT-safe and multithreaded.
▼Nboost | |
▼Nlockfree | |
▼Ndetail | |
Ccompile_time_sized_ringbuffer | |
Cmake_ringbuffer | |
Cringbuffer_base | |
Cruntime_sized_ringbuffer | |
Cspsc_queue | The spsc_queue class provides a single-writer/single-reader fifo queue, pushing and popping is wait-free |
▼NXBot | |
▼Nmatlogger2 | |
CBackend | |
Ccondition_variable | |
CMatioBackend | |
Cmutex | |
Cthread | |
▼CMatAppender | Allows to flush data to disk from multiple MatLogger2 loggers at once, both synchronously and from a separate flusher thread |
CImpl | |
▼CMatLogger2 | Allows the user to save numeric variables (scalars, vectors, matrices) to HDF5 MAT-files |
CMutexImpl | |
COptions | |
▼CVariableBuffer | Implements a memory buffer for a single logged variable |
CBufferInfo | |
CQueueImpl | Implements the buffering strategy for a single logged variable |
CDummyBackend |