Implementing OpenSot support for a custom task

To implement the OpenSot support, you need to define a subclass of OpenSotTaskAdapter. You must implement:

  • a constructor with fixed signature, which checks that the provided TaskDescription object is of the proper type

  • a constructTask method which actually construct the OpenSot task instance

  • an optional initialize override if you need to perform some post-construction operation. The base class implementation will perform all generic task operations such as setting the lambda, weight, indices, active joint mask, …

  • an optional update override to customize the control loop. The base class method will update lambda weight

  • an optional setRequiredVariables override to specify custom optimization variables. The default is that optimization is carried out over joint position increments.


#include "AngularMomentum.h"
#include <cartesian_interface/sdk/opensot/OpenSotTask.h>

#include <OpenSoT/tasks/velocity/AngularMomentum.h>

using AngularMomentumSoT = OpenSoT::tasks::velocity::AngularMomentum;

namespace XBot { namespace Cartesian {

class OpenSotAngularMomentum : public OpenSotTaskAdapter


    OpenSotAngularMomentum(TaskDescription::Ptr task,
                           Context::ConstPtr context);

    virtual TaskPtr constructTask() override;

    virtual bool initialize(const OpenSoT::OptvarHelper& vars) override;

    virtual void update(double time, double period) override;


    AngularMomentumSoT::Ptr _sot_angmom;
    AngularMomentum::Ptr _ci_angmom;


} }

#include "OpenSotAngularMomentum.h"

#include <boost/make_shared.hpp>

using namespace XBot::Cartesian;

OpenSotAngularMomentum::OpenSotAngularMomentum(TaskDescription::Ptr task,
                                               Context::ConstPtr context):
    OpenSotTaskAdapter(task, context)
    _ci_angmom = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<AngularMomentum>(task);

    if(!_ci_angmom) throw std::runtime_error("Provided task description "
                                             "does not have expected type 'AngularMomentum'");


TaskPtr OpenSotAngularMomentum::constructTask()
    Eigen::VectorXd q;

    _sot_angmom = boost::make_shared<AngularMomentumSoT>(q,

    return _sot_angmom;

bool OpenSotAngularMomentum::initialize(const OpenSoT::OptvarHelper& vars)
    if(vars.getAllVariables().size() > 0)
        throw BadVariables("[OpenSotAngularMomentum] requires default variables definition");

    return OpenSotTaskAdapter::initialize();

void OpenSotAngularMomentum::update(double time, double period)
    OpenSotTaskAdapter::update(time, period);

    _sot_angmom->setReference(_ci_angmom->getReference() * period);

CARTESIO_REGISTER_OPENSOT_TASK_PLUGIN(OpenSotAngularMomentum, AngularMomentum)


All *REGISTER* macros take as second argument the task name that will be specified by users inside the type yaml field. In this case, the OpenSot adapter will correspond to a task with type: AngularMomentum