CartesianInterface API Reference

The header files CartesianInterface.h and CartesianInterfaceImpl.h contain the API definition for the main CartesIO class, which users can load via the provided factory method CartesianInterfaceImpl::MakeInstance(). After loading, the recommended way to interact with the defined tasks and constraint is to use their own specific APIs, as obtained via the getTask() method.

class XBot::Cartesian::CartesianInterface

The CartesianInterface class provides interfaces to perform cartesian control of floating base robots in a generic fashion.

The recommended way to interact with the defined tasks and constraint is to use their own specific APIs, as obtained via the getTask() method.

Subclassed by XBot::Cartesian::CartesianInterfaceImpl

Public Functions

virtual bool update(double time, double period) = 0

Update function. It must be called periodically inside the user control loop.

  • time – current time [s]

  • period – period between last call and current one [s]


true if no errors occurred

virtual bool reset(double time) = 0

Reset all cartesian references to current model pose. It also resets time.


time – Current time

virtual bool resetWorld(const Eigen::Affine3d &w_T_new_world) = 0

Reset the world frame and call reset().


w_T_new_world – is the new world pose w.r.t. old world

virtual const std::vector<std::string> &getTaskList() const = 0

getTaskList returns the list of all defined tasks and constraints; returned elements may be used as arguments to getTask()

virtual TaskDescription::Ptr getTask(const std::string &task_name) = 0

getTask returns a shared pointer to the task or constraint with given name, if it exists. It returns a null shared pointer otherwise. From CartesI/O v2.0 on, the recommended way to interact with tasks and constraints is to use the returned task handle, casted to the appropriate type (e.g. ‘CartesianTask’) via std::dynamic_pointer_task<>()




a shared pointer to the task or constraint

virtual int getCurrentSegmentId(const std::string &end_effector) const = 0

If the specified task (arg #1) is performing a reaching motion, returns the index of the waypoint that is currently being processed. Otherwise, a negative value is returned.


Task – name


A value between 0 and N-1 (-1 if task is not in reaching phase)

class XBot::Cartesian::CartesianInterfaceImpl : public XBot::Cartesian::CartesianInterface

The CartesianInterfaceImpl class allows to implement the interface given by CartesianInterface, and provides a factory method to load such implementations.

Subclassed by XBot::Cartesian::LockfreeBufferImpl, XBot::Cartesian::RosClient

Public Functions

CartesianInterfaceImpl(ProblemDescription ik_problem, Context::Ptr context)

CartesianInterfaceImpl constructor. Most often, users should not use directly this. Rather, they should dynamically load an implementation via the factory method MakeInstance().

  • ik_problem – is a description of the problem to be solved

  • context – holds some data structures used by CartesIO, such as the robot model.

ModelInterface::Ptr getModel() const

getModel returns a shared pointer to the robot model used by this instance

const ProblemDescription &getIkProblem() const

getIkProblem returns a copy of the problem description used to construct this instance

Context::Ptr getContext()

getContext returns the context object used to construct this instance

Context::ConstPtr getContext() const

getContext returns the context object used to construct this instance

const std::map<std::string, Eigen::VectorXd> &getSolution() const

getSolution returns a map containing all variables generated by the solver, together with the corresponding solution at the last call to update()

virtual const std::vector<std::string> &getTaskList() const

getTaskList returns the list of all defined tasks and constraints; returned elements may be used as arguments to getTask()

virtual int getCurrentSegmentId(const std::string &end_effector) const

If the specified task (arg #1) is performing a reaching motion, returns the index of the waypoint that is currently being processed. Otherwise, a negative value is returned.


Task – name


A value between 0 and N-1 (-1 if task is not in reaching phase)

virtual bool update(double time, double period)

Update function. It must be called periodically inside the user control loop.

  • time – current time [s]

  • period – period between last call and current one [s]


true if no errors occurred

virtual bool reset(double time)

Reset all cartesian references to current model pose. It also resets time.


time – Current time

virtual bool resetWorld(const Eigen::Affine3d &w_T_new_world)

Reset the world frame and call reset().


w_T_new_world – is the new world pose w.r.t. old world

virtual TaskDescription::Ptr getTask(const std::string &task_name)

getTask returns a shared pointer to the task or constraint with given name, if it exists. It returns a null shared pointer otherwise. From CartesI/O v2.0 on, the recommended way to interact with tasks and constraints is to use the returned task handle, casted to the appropriate type (e.g. ‘CartesianTask’) via std::dynamic_pointer_task<>()




a shared pointer to the task or constraint

Public Static Functions

static Ptr MakeInstance(std::string solver_name, ProblemDescription ik_problem, Context::Ptr context)

MakeInstance dynamically loads an implementation of CartesIO from a shared object, or plugin.

  • solver_name – is the plugin name

  • ik_problem – is a description of the problem to be solved

  • context – holds some data structures used by CartesIO, such as the robot model.


a shared pointer to the requested object